Świąteczny europejski raport z dnia 24 grudnia 2020 r.

Przesyłam do uprzejmej wiadomości i wykorzystania służbowego informacje przekazane w dniu dzisiejszym do GITD przez Departament Współpracy Międzynarodowej MI dotyczące sytuacji na granicy UK-FR oraz podjętych przez FR środków w kontekście derogacji od rozporządzenia 561/2006, jak również zniesienia weekendowych i świątecznych zakazów w ruchu drogowym:

The French and British ministers for Transport announced already early this morning that the ports of Dover and Calais, and Eurotunnel would remain opened on 25 December.

  1. In France, derogations to the driving and rest times for the truck drivers that were blocked in the United Kingdom were published in the official Journal early this morningand already entered into force. They are about to be formally notified to the Commission.

For the truck drivers that were blocked in the United Kingdom, including those that are just transiting through the French territory :

– The maximum daily driving time is extended by up to 2 hours,

– The maximum weekly driving time is extended by up to 4 hours,

– The limit on the number of reduced daily rest periods between two weekly rest periods is suspended.

This derogation will last until 29 December included.

  1. Regarding national bans during public holidays, the ban for Christmas for the trucks that were blocked in the United Kingdom has been lifted in France for the entire week-end (from 24 to 27 December included) so that the drivers can finish their international journey, or come back to the operational center or come back home.
  2. Finally, a team of 26 firemen support the Bristish teams on the ground since early this morning to help test the drivers. They came with 10 000 covid-19 tests.


Dodatkowo poniżej znajdą Państwo informacje dotyczące decyzji niektórych państw członkowskich w zakresie derogacji od wybranych przepisów rozp. 561/2006 oraz zniesienia świątecznych i weekendowych zakazów w ruchu drogowym.

Spain and Ireland have submitted a temporary exception to driving and rest time rules in line with Article 14(2) of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006.

  • TheSpanish temporary exception applies from 15/12/2020 to 13/01/2021 to drivers involved in all transport of goods who are affected by traffic jams at ports/border crossings in the delivery of goods between UK and Spain

The Irish temporary exception justified by Brexit is not yet in force, it will apply from 01/01/2021 to 30/01/2021 to drivers transporting all types of goods and subject to Customs and Sanitary & Phytosanitary (SPS) checks and delays at the ports.

SK: Slovakia has decided to lift the weekend and holiday ban from 24. December till 26. December (including).


  • Derogation to Article 6(1) of Regulation 561/2006: replacement of the maximum daily driving limit of 9 hours with one of 11 hours;
  • Derogation to Article 6(2) of Regulation 561/2006: replacement of the maximum weekly driving limit of 56 hours with one of 60 hours;
  • Derogation to Article 6(3) of Regulation 561/2006: replacement of the maximum accumulated driving time during any two consecutive weeks from 90h to 96h.
  • Derogation to Article 8(1) of Regulation 561/2006: reduction of the daily rest requirements from 11 to 9 hours;
  • Derogation to Article 8(6) of Regulation 561/2006: postponement of a weekly rest period beyond six-24 hours period.
  • Derogation to Article 8(8) of Regulation 561/2006: possibility for the driver to take the regular weekly rest in the vehicle, as long as it has suitable sleeping facilities for each driver and the vehicle is stationary.

This derogation applies from today until 13/1/2021 and only to drivers coming from the UK .

AT: Austria has adopted the following derogations regarding Regulation 561/2006:

  • derogation to Article 6 (1) of Regulation 561/2006: replacement of the maximum daily driving limit of 9 hours with one of 11 hours;
  • derogation to Article 6 (2) of Regulation 561/2006: replacement of the maximum weekly driving limit of 56 hours with one of 60 hours;
  • derogation to Article 6 (3) of Regulation 561/2006: replacement of the maximum accumulated driving time during any two consecutive weeks from 90h to 100h.
  • derogation to Article 8 (1) of Regulation 561/2006: reduction of the daily rest requirements from 11 to 9 hours;

This derogation apply from today until 31/12/2021 and only to drivers coming from the UK, heading from North or West to South or East of Austria or Austria itself.

Ponadto, DWM przekazał istotne dla Państwa informacje od strony brytyjskiej:

We have been asked if drivers who receive a positive test result will have to pay any costs for their quarantine. The answer is no. The location for the quarantine is the Holiday Inn at Rochester.

You asked what happens to the goods/trucks of drivers who tested positive. The driver will drive their trucks to the hotel where there is ample parking provision. It is then up to the company to decide if they will collect the vehicle or not. If they collect it, they will also need to arrange cleaning of the vehicle.

With regard to lighter vehicles (buses, vans, etc), the drivers will also get a free test. And passage of vans will be allowed (for drivers who have had a test, of course).

We have a number of testing units at Manston, M20 and the Port of Dover. The number of testing teams is being increased. It will take a few days to clear the backlog of lorries.
